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1. Introduction

Welcome to A.J.R Group, A.J.R Parcel & Courier Service Ltd. Courier! This Privacy Policy was written to help you better understand how we collect, use and store your information. Since technology and privacy laws are always changing, we may occasionally update this policy. If a significant change is made, we will be sure to post a notice on our home page and in the merchant admin. If you continue to use A.J.R Parcel & Courier Service Ltd. Courier after these changes are posted, you agree to the revised policy. By signing up for any of the products or services offered by A.J.R Parcel & Courier Service Ltd. Courier (together, the “Services”), or dealing with a merchant using A.J.R Parcel & Courier Service Ltd. Courier Services, you are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy and, as applicable, the A.J.R Parcel & Courier Service Ltd. Courier Terms of Service. This policy is a legally binding agreement between you (and your client, employer or another entity if you are acting on their behalf) as the user of

2. Information from merchants

Privacy matters! If you are a merchant, you agree to post a privacy policy on your storefront that complies with the laws applicable to your business. You also agree to obtain consent from your customers for the use and access of their Personal Information by A.J.R Parcel & Courier Service Ltd. Courier and other third parties. What information do we collect from merchants and why? • We collect your name, company name, address, business address email address, phone number(s) , Facebook profile link, TIN number, national identity card number, bank account number, trade license. We need this information to provide you with our Services, for example, to confirm your identity, contact you, and invoice you. • We collect data about the A.J.R Parcel & Courier Service Ltd. Courier -hosted webpages that you visit and how and when you access your account, including information about the device and browser you use, your network connection and your IP address. We need this information to give you access to and improve our

3. Information from our merchants’ customers

What information do we collect and why? • We collect our merchants’ customers’ name, email, phone number, and shipping address. • We need this information to provide merchants with our Services, including supporting and processing orders, authentication. This information is also used to improve our Services. • When do we collect this information? • Information is collected when a merchant’s customer uses or accesses our Services, such as when a customer visits a merchant’s site, places an order or signs up for an account on a merchant’s site.

4. What do we do with your Personal Information when you terminate your relationship with us?

We will continue to store archived copies of your Personal Information for legitimate business purposes and to comply with the law. We will continue to store anonymous or anonymized information, such as website visits, without identifiers, in order to improve our Services.

5. What we don’t do with your Personal Information?

We do not and will never share, disclose, sell, rent, or otherwise provide Personal Information to other companies for the marketing of their own products or services. • We do not use the Personal Information we collect from you or your customers to contact or market to your customers or directly compete with you. However, A.J.R Parcel & Courier Service Ltd. Courier may contact or market to your customers if we obtain their information from another source, such as from the customers themselves.

6. How do we keep your Personal Information secure?

We follow industry standards on information security management to safeguard sensitive information, such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details and any other Personal Information entrusted to us. Our information security systems apply to people, processes and information technology systems on a risk management basis. • No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your Personal Information.

7. Access to your personal information

You retain all rights to your Personal Information and can access it anytime. In addition, A.J.R Parcel & Courier Service Ltd. Courier takes reasonable steps to allow you to correct, amend or delete personal information that is shown to be inaccurate or incomplete.